This is my "bear's den" for the winter! I have been able to spend a lot of time in here this winter...blizzards and sub zero temps leave me with some wonderful sewing time!
I'm catching up on projects and sending quilts off to be quilted...and even finishing some...

2 of the lap quilts my favorite cousin quilted for already given away!
The winter also provides us the time to get some "in house" projects done...
Here's my large, spacious, ugly laundry room...pale yellow cupboards and blue floral wallpaper...just a little dated! But...we're remodeling it this month...
The cupboards have a fresh coat of white paint, new hardware...and yes, that ugly ceiling is next! Wainscoting on the ceiling, stained pine for walls...then the floor...and we haven't decided what that will be! I spend a lot of time in this room and it will be nice to get it done!
We also painted the kitchen...we worked together for 2 days and had a great time...really! It was a good feeling to get it's a preview
We had a pale yellow on the walls and went with a warm aqua...such a bright spot in the winter!
We don't always hibernate at home...we went to the cities over the weekend and celebrated Greyson's special week at school with lunch in the cafeteria...
The mac n cheese was actually pretty good, but the time with him was priceless!
I also got to be the mystery reader at daughter-in-law's daycare...and gosh, Monica was so excited that it was me...just made my day(photo to come) was the best fun!
We celebrated a couple of birthdays while we were visiting...and
Baby Calli got to sneak a bite of a birthday cupcake from Uncle Max! She looked at him like it was illegal! Too cute!
We bunked at Calli's house one night and had a great time watching all her new tricks...crawling, walking around furniture...she's a fun little girlie!
Then we spent a night with this little girl and her 3 siblings...
Miss O is full of conversation and we almost understand it all!!
On a sad note...we lost a wonderful guest who had become like family to us! Ruth Kruger passed away this winter in Omaha. We were privileged to have her as a guest for all of our years at the resort...she probably made 50 trips up to see us with her family...and we will miss her terribly. Her family sent us this photo of our resort that they used on her funeral folder...we are so honored to have called her family!
We look forward to open water and all our returning guests...and we remember many we have lost and miss each year!
Try and enjoy the rest of the winter...I'll finish up my sewing projects and be ready for spring cleaning in just a couple of months! Yikes...time does fly the older we get!