Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas with 9 under 9!!

      Oh my...blessings abounded within the Addler family this Christmas!  We all were able to gather at Max & Sara's house this year for our family gathering around the Christmas tree.  Every year I pray that no one will get sick...and all those littles stayed healthy!  If you're not related to us, you might get a little bored by all the photos, but my sister in Mongolia will appreciate them...so just look and read and experience all the joy that we did watching the miracle of Christmas through our grandchildrens' eyes.

The evening started with the first quiet photo of our newlyweds spending their first Christmas together as a married couple!  The noise level of 9 children might deter them from parenthood for awhile...on the other hand, they're as crazy as the kids and love em all! 
Alicia & John...1st Christmas married 2010...the calm before the storm...

Our attempt to take a picture of all of them...before gifts were opened!

The party begins with Nathan checking out his first package...(it's his very own cordless vacuum)

Greyson & Lucien, both 3, checking out their batwing ships...

A happy Nana sitting with her 3 little girls...with their new babies...they all were mesmerized by the fact that the dolls' eyes opened and closed...

Miss Tate started walking all over a few weeks ago...she's the youngest at 10 months old.

Jill & Monica are 4 months apart and should be best buds...if they can learn to share!
They could pass for twins...almost the same size.

Papa always has someone in his lap waiting for a story...

There's almost always a wrestling match with so many little boys...and big boys too!

Monica cuddling her new baby...

Nathan entertaining Uncle John & Aunt Alicia...(he likes her hair too)

Will, the oldest, entertained us one evening with his magic show...

Our littlest princess posing in her rocker with her Christmas outfit...

Tate's t-shirt says it all..."Happy Birthday Jesus"...

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