Monday, April 4, 2011


     When I was planning to write this post, I wanted to find the picture of Steve and I during our last race we entered...the "Race for Versace" back in 1986 in Peoria IL.  It's a great picture of us crossing the finish line...picture that in your mind...especially if you know me now!  It's almost funny, isn't it?
     Well, that was a 5K race those many years we have signed up for a walk to be held on Saturday, April 16th, in Bemidji MN.  Our church, Blackduck Evangelical Free Church, is raising funds to add on to our present classrooms, new kitchen(to replace the kitchen built decades ago) and a youth area.  Our pastor will walk that day from Bemidji to Blackduck, ending his walk at our church...(thus, WALK TO BEFREE) and he is collecting pledges for his walk.  As the chatter continued about his walk, lots of other people wanted to walk and I signed up!!!  Yep, we're going to support our pastor and walk that day too.

     We have this letter composed on the church letterhead and a pledge sheet to send out to friends & family, but I'm just letting all my readers know about it too.  We're a small church and we've raised over $160,000 in the last 3 years with various fundraisers.  I happen to be on the committee that is in charge of raising those funds.  We just had a dinner yesterday and raised well over $2000 in about an hour.  The dinner was "Spuds & Splits"...baked potatoes with all the fixins and then ice cream sundaes(splits).  This was the second time we had this dinner and the comments are always great.  It's just different from other fundraising dinners and was very well-attended.  A giant thanks to our church people and to the community of Blackduck for coming and supporting our efforts!

     So...Steve and I are asking you, our friends and readers, to pledge any amount for our walk.  We're just asking for a one-time donation in support of our effort to walk the 25 miles...will we make it??  We're going to give it our best!  We're training together and I've walked farther than I've ever walked before...only 5 miles at a time, but it's a start! 

     Thank you to all our friends/family/readers for considering a donation.  You can make your check to "BEFChurch Building Fund" and send it to us or our church.  You can comment on this blog and I will reply with the mailing address.  We will both put our best foot forward and we will let you all know the results after our walk...if when we finish the walk!

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